Friday, December 5, 2014

The Third Time Dimension, \(t_T\)

If this third time dimension gives us temperature, then we have a particle that is responsible for thermal gravity in

\(F_T=\cfrac{T_1T_2}{4\pi\tau_o r^2}\)

Denoting this third time dimension as \(t_T\), we have along the \(t_T\) time dimension, two new type of particles.

Both of which present a force field around it while stationary in space because of \(\psi\) associated with them.  These particles are waves oscillating between two space dimensions and is at light speed along the time dimension \(t_g\) or \(t_c\).  They exist in the third time dimension, \(t_T\) and is responsible for thermal gravity.

In fact, the existence of \(t_T\) will also add four new types of photon, where \(\psi\) oscillates between one time dimension and one space dimension.

Three new type of particles that oscillates between two time dimensions and have light speed in a space dimension.

And strangely,

a pure time dimension wave, an analogue of the mechanical wave, (\(x_1\), \(x_2\), \(x_3\), \(t_{now}\)).

All these of course, without verification, are mere figments of Amnesia's Dream, provided that there is a third time dimension \(t_T\).


And we rise to a new level of consciousness, \(t_{now}\).