Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Amplitude, \(A_n\)



The following diagram shows two energy states, at \(a_{\psi\,i}\) and \(a_{\psi\,f}\).

As the particle gain energy, \(A_f\) increases, and

\(r^2=a^2_{\psi\,f} + A^2_f\) --- (*)
\(r\) increases.

Could it be that when the perimeters are equal,

\(2\pi \sqrt { \cfrac { ({ a^2_{\psi\,f} }+r^{ 2 }) }{ 2 }  }=2\pi a_{\psi\,i}\)

a transit of energy states \(n_f\rightarrow n_i\) occurs;  ie when

\(r^{ 2 }=2a^2_{\psi\,i}-a^2_{\psi\,f} \)

By substituting \(r\) into (*)



Just on transition, \(A_i\) is small.  This can explain a lower \(a_\psi\) to a higher \(a_\psi\) transition, but what about the reverse?

The reverse occurs when \(a_{\psi\,i}\) collapses back to \(a_{\psi\,f}\) but the amplitude, \(A_i\rightarrow A_f\)  remains small.

The excess energy as a result of a reduced \(A_f\) at \(a_{\psi\,f}\) is emitted as a photon.  In the limit when \(A_i\rightarrow 0\), this excess energy is just the rms value of \(A_f\) (not \(A^2_f\) as \(\psi\) is already energy),

\(E_{\Delta n}=\cfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}A_f=\sqrt{a^2_{\psi\,i}-a^2_{\psi\,f}}\)

\(A_f\) is measured in meters (m), so more correctly,

\(E_{\Delta n}=E_o\sqrt{a^2_{\psi\,i}-a^2_{\psi\,f}}\)

where \(E_o\) (Jm-1) maps meters (m) to Joules (J) in the diagram above.

Is this the same result as before?

\(E_{ \Delta n }=E_{ o }\sqrt { a^{ 2 }_{ \psi \, i }-a^{ 2 }_{ \psi \, f } } \)

\( E_{ \Delta n }=E_{ o }\sqrt { (a_{ \psi \, i }-a_{ \psi \, f })(a_{ \psi \, i}+a_{ \psi \, f }) } \)

If \(E_o\) is,

\( E_{ o }=-mc^{ 2 }\cfrac { 1 }{ a_{ \psi \, i } } \sqrt { \cfrac { (a_{ \psi \, i}-a_{ \psi \, f }) }{ (a_{ \psi \, i }+a_{ \psi \, f }) }  } \)


\( E_{ \Delta n }=-mc^{ 2 }\cfrac { 1 }{ a_{ \psi \, i } } \sqrt { \cfrac { (a_{ \psi \, i }-a_{ \psi \, f }) }{ (a_{ \psi \,i }+a_{ \psi \,f }) }  }\sqrt { (a_{ \psi \, i}-a_{ \psi \, f })(a_{ \psi \, i }+a_{ \psi \,f }) } \)

\( E_{ \Delta n }=mc^{ 2 }(\cfrac { a_{ \psi \, f } }{ a_{ \psi \, i } } -1)\)


\(a_{\psi\,n}=e^{ -\cfrac { Aa_{\psi\,n}+C }{ n^{ 2 } }}\)

\(E_{\Delta n}=mc^2\left\{e^{ -\cfrac { Aa_{\psi\,f}+C }{ n^{ 2 }_f }+\cfrac { Aa_{\psi\,i}+C }{ n^{ 2 }_i }  }-1\right\}\)

which is the same expression for \(E_{\Delta n}\) in the post "What Does It Mean to Be Excited".

But why is,

\( E_{ o }=-mc^{ 2 }\cfrac { 1 }{ a_{ \psi \, i } } \sqrt { \cfrac { (a_{ \psi \, i }-a_{ \psi \, f }) }{ (a_{ \psi \,i}+a_{ \psi \, f }) }  } \)  (Jm-1)???

Unless \(E_o\) is justified, this scenario is just probable.

Note:  The perimeter of a ellipse is used here,


where \(a\) and \(b\) are the radii of the ellipse.