Friday, December 12, 2014

Not All Integer But Half Has A Place

Continuing from the previous post "Radius Of An Electron", the electron energy \(\psi\) takes discrete up values around the electron.  An underlying assumption was that \(n=1,2,3,4..\), that \(n\) takes up increasing consecutive values with distance \(x\) from the electron's center.

This may not be true.   The table of data from the previous post shows that if \(n=2\) for all values of \(\lambda\)

n \(\lambda\) (nm) \(\cfrac { n\lambda  }{ 2\pi  }\) \(n^{ 2 }ln(\cfrac { 2\pi  }{ n\lambda \times10^{-9} } )\) \(\cfrac { \lambda  }{ 2\pi  }\) (nm)
2 121.567 38.697 68.270 19.349
2 102.573 32.651 68.950 16.325449626
2 97.254 30.958 69.163 15.478927264
2 94.974 30.232 69.257 15.1160592074
2 93.780 29.852 69.308 14.9260066847
2 93.075 29.628 69.338 14.8137991405
2 92.623 29.484 69.358 14.7418271526
2 92.315 29.386 69.371 14.6928378163
2 92.097 29.316 69.380 14.6581250995
2 91.935 29.265 69.387 14.6323571542
2 91.935 29.265 69.387 14.6323253223
2 91.813 29.226 69.393 14.6128441827

\(n^{ 2 }ln(\cfrac { 2\pi }{ n\lambda \times10^{-9} } )\) varies only in the second last decimal place. As shown in the last column, \(\cfrac { \lambda }{ 2\pi }\) is almost a constant. This suggests that we have a fixed perimeter of \(2\pi x\) onto which different \(\lambda\)s are packed.

 As such,

 \(2\pi x=n\lambda=n\cfrac{c}{f}\)

 \(f=n\cfrac{c}{2\pi x}\) when \(x=a_\psi\)

 \(f=n\cfrac{c}{2\pi a_\psi}\)

Obviously \(f=0\) and \(n=0\) is a valid data point,

n \(f\)
0 0
1 2466067.5
2 2922728.6
2 3082568.8
2 3156567.3
2 3196759.8
2 3220973.8
2 3236699.1
2 3247491.0
2 3260914.0
2 3260921.1
2 3265268.4

A plot with the regression line is shown below.

The line above is defined by two points and one theoretical point.  Given the gradient of the line,

\(\cfrac{c}{2\pi a_\psi}=1438393.5\)

\(a_\psi=\cfrac{299792458}{2\pi \times1438393.5}=33.2\) nm

From which we have no choice but to admit the existence of a half wave, where \(n=\cfrac{1}{2}\)

 \(x=\cfrac{1}{2}\cfrac{\lambda}{2\pi }\)

And that the lowest frequency point is due to this standing wave half a wave length, and the next series of points are due to the standing wave of one wave length.  From this,

\(a_{\psi\,\frac{1}{2}}=\cfrac{299792458}{2\pi \times2876787.0}=16.6\) nm

With this as a guide we can repeated the analysis in the post "Radius Of An Electron" for better results.