Friday, December 19, 2014

Photon Density

From the post "One Plus One Plus One", in the case of photons,




What is \(p_\rho\)?  \(q_\rho\) is charge density, \(m_\rho\) is mass density, so \(p_\rho\) is the photon density; \(q\), charge, provides the electrostatic force, \(m\), mass, provides the gravitational force, so photon provides the photonic force.  The nature of this force depends on the exact nature of the photon.  Photons that exist in the \(t_c\) time dimension are like charges.  Photons that exist in the \(t_g\) time dimension are gravitational. Photons that exist in the \(t_T\) time dimension are defined by their temperature, \(T\).

\(q\) is the inertia along the \(t_c\) time axis, \(m\) is the inertia along the \(t_g\) time axis and so \(p\) is the inertia along the respective time axes, \(t_T\), \(t_g\) or \(t_c\).

However \(p\), is oscillating between one time dimension and one space dimension.  It is travelling down a third space dimension.


\(p_{ \rho  }=\cfrac { 1 }{ 2ac^{ 2 }G^{ 2 } }\)

where \(a\) is the extend of \(p\) along the line it is travelling down.