Monday, December 29, 2014

Sound Portal

My very own mandala.

How far did the Tibetan go with sound technology at 7.489 Hz?  Apparently, very far.  But can manipulating gravitational wave open up a portal?

And to where?  From the post "Where's The Charge?",  if

\(f=n\cfrac{c}{2\pi a_\psi}\),    \(n=1\)

So \(f\) confine to a smaller \(a_\psi\) will be trapped at a lower \(h_n\).

\(hf=2\pi a_{\psi}mcf=2\pi a_{\psi}mc7.489=mc^2+x.F\)

\(x.F\lt0\)  (because \(a_{\psi}\) that produced 7.489 Hz is the size of Earth.)

where \(a_{\psi}\) is the radius of the confine into which sound waves of 7.489 Hz are directed as the diagram above shows.

Energy is being released.  Photons will be emitted.  \(E_{\Delta h}\lt 0\)  and \(\cfrac{\partial\,E_{\Delta h}}{\partial\, t}\lt0\), from previously (Post "Cold Jump"),

\(a_{ \psi \, n }=-\cfrac { c^{ 2 }E_{ \Delta h } }{ 2\pi  } \left( \cfrac { \partial \, E_{ \Delta h } }{ \partial \, t }  \right) ^{ -1 }\)

 the direction of travel is opposite to the right hand screw rule.  We point the mandala, front face, in the direction of the corresponding portal, face front and jump into the portal and travel backwards.

Time is always clockwise in the direction of \(x\), even if time is slowed.

Note:  Not the mandala itself but the construct indicated by it.