Friday, December 5, 2014

No Need For Negative Time

From the previous post "The Third Time Dimension, \(\tau\)", if \(t_T\) exists, we have two other types of particle.

Where \(t_T\) provides the third dimension for the wave to travel at light speed.  We have a new gravity particle that exist on the \(t_g\) time dimension, and a new charge along \(t_c\).

If these particles are anti-matter counterparts of the gravity particle and negative charge, then there is no need to introduce the negative time idea to provide for matter/anti-matter interaction and, anti-matter can exist in real time.  The only consistent efficacious point is that along the \(t_T\) time dimension we have heat which accounts for high temperature in matter/anti-matter annihilation.

Photons are able to transfer energy from time dimensions to space dimensions as a result of its oscillations between the respective time and space dimensions.  The space they are at experience a change in energy because of this transfer.

From the collision diagram above it is tempting to say that photon I transfer momentum and photon III transfer heat or temperature.

Particles are constantly being destroyed and created in this scenario.  And energy flows freely as photons.  The basic accounting is of dimensions, all the arrows in the collision diagram are conserved.  Mass and energy maybe taken apart but their constituent dimensions (\(x_1\), \(x_2\), \(x_3\), \(t_T\), \(t_g\) and \(t_c\)) remain and are reformed into other particles;  "Dimensional Conservation" or the "Conservation of Dimensions".

This eliminates the need for negative time and the retrograde asteroid can exist in our reality and be harvested for anti-matter.