Wednesday, December 3, 2014

It All Adds Up

Could it be that having mass and not having mass results in half spins and integer spins?

And the Pauli Exclusion Principle is just that two masses cannot occupy the same space, at the same time.  Whereas \(\psi\), (\(m=0\)) can occupy the the same space, at the same time.

What about energy state? Given an invariant field, space and time determine energy state fully.  If spins have a physical interpretation, then they would sum and cancel.  Pairs of fermions will have integer spin, or their spins can cancel to zero.



If  \(s=s_p=s_r\)

\(s_f=\sqrt{2}s=1.4142s\ne 1.5 s_p\)

how unfortunate.