Thursday, September 29, 2016

Speculating About Spectra Series

From the post "Sizing Them Up" dated 13 Dec 2014,



\(a_\psi=15.48\, nm\)





\(a_\psi=a_{\psi\,c}=15.48\, nm\)


in which case we have,

\(n.\cfrac{4}{3}\pi \left(a_{\psi\,c}\right)^3=\cfrac{4}{3}\pi \left(a_{\psi\,n}\right)^3\)

where \(1\le n\le 77\) and


That is to say, \(n\) small particles of  radius \(a_{\psi\,c}\) coalesce into a bigger particle of \(a_{\psi\,n}\).


where \(n=1,\,2,\,3,..77\)

If each of this particle is responsible for a spectra line then, a spectra series due to one type of particle will line up nicely on a \(y=\sqrt[3]{n}\) plot with a common scaling factor.  An the maximum number of stable lines due to stable particle, observable or otherwise is \(77\) or \(78\).  Unstable particles that grows beyond the plateau on the \(\psi\) vs \(r\) graph where \(\psi\) pinch off with decreasing force will also result in faint spectra line.

Just speculating.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Bubbles And Balls

This may be how a concrete slab fell outside of a 12 storey unoccupied warehouse.  When \(\psi\) of a particle growing big at resonance on the floor increases suddenly, the increasing \(\psi\) sends the floor confined within the particle back into the past.  A spatial shift that accompanies the temporal shift moves the concrete slab out of the building and it fell.

At the instant when the concrete slab fell, there is no hole on the floor as the slab comes from the future.  The whole appears when the experiment is being conducted.

When \(\psi\) of the particle grown big (slowly increasing \(\psi\)) is allowed to collapse suddenly, rapidly decreasing \(\psi\) sends the slab into the future instead.  A hole appears immediately but the slab will fall some time in the future, at a location determined by the movements of Earth and the time shift.

The bubble is to be use in specific ways and not to be use in specific ways...And the ball is to be used in specific ways and not to be used in specific ways...

Don't Walk Into The Bubble, AK!

When a shield around a confinement sudden collapses the decreasing \(\psi\) sends its content into the future.

Earth is revolving around the Sun.  The temporal differential results in a spatial shift.  If the shield envelops a whole city then, the city is shifted in space as the result of a shift in time because earth is in motion.

The collisions between the area outside the shield and the area shifted in time and space within the shield will be a catastrophe.

In a similar way, if \(\psi\) is allowed to build up engulfing a body, the body will be sent back in time.  When the spatial shift is significant, there will be destruction inside the shield outside the area of overlap.

Strengthen the \(\psi\) shell after its build up and let the shield weaken without collapsing the \(\psi\) shell.  This way, the temporal force that results from changing \(\psi\) with time is minimal.

Don't walk into the bubble, AK!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Particles Big And Small

The vector sum of the force due to two quarter charges (\(\cfrac{1}{4}q\)) is,


which might suggest a single charge of magnitude \(\approx \cfrac{1}{3}q\).  \(F\) is the force due to a charge \(q\).

Which brings us to the suggestion that a quarter charge Helium \(He\), masquerading as \(H\) that manifest a charge of one third the normal charge due to the presence of two quarter charges.  These quarter charge Helium \(He\) atoms might form where big particles (\(a_{\psi\,\pi}\)) break into small particles (\(a_{\psi\,c}\)), in a particle collider, in abundance.

And in general, a new zoo of stable elements made from small particles.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

More And Smaller



and from the post "Sticky Particles Too...Many" dated 24 Jun 2016,



This is the size of the smallest particle possible, breaking off from the tip of a sonic cone in a sonic boom or when big particles disintegrate in high speed collisions.

This particle has \(\small{\cfrac{1}{4}}\) the charge magnitude (gravity, electric or temperature) but \(\sqrt [ 3]{\cfrac{1}{74}}=0.2382 \) the radius of a big particle.

But the classical electron radius is quoted at,

\(r_e=2.817 940 3267[27] e-15\,\,m \)

What is this value \(a_{\psi\,1}\), a million times bigger?  Then again, the visible spectrum is \(390\le\lambda_{vis}\le 700\,\,nm\); can we expect particles that are photons to be that much smaller that their wavelengths?

\(\lambda_{\psi}\) or \(\lambda_{n}\) is not \(\lambda_{vis}\)!

Could it be that \(r_e\) measured under the formulation for point particles, is actually the size of the void where \(v=c\) along a radial line, at the perimeter of this void?

Which suggests that interactions between particles allow overlaps in \(\psi\) and that such interactions (mechanical/gravitational, electrical, ie field interactions) is limited down to \(r_e\), below which \(\psi\) does not exist.

\(r_e\) is the size of the hole in all particles that changes with exterior conditions acting on \(\psi\).  Pushing \(\psi\) at the start of the plateau in the \(\psi\) vs \(x\) graph, at resonance frequency, increases \(r_e\) and the over all size of the particle.


Saturday, September 3, 2016

Alien Intervention

Yes, I know, Madam.

No, the thing to do to resolve this is not to leave this planet.  You would wish.  As your colleague would say: "Why don't you tell him."  There is no need for that either!

However, lacking data to validate or invalidate,


the solution might just to seek help from outer space.  Warden!  Where's help when you need it?

A particle charge of \(\cfrac{1}{4}\) the normal charge (gravitational, electric or temperature) however, is consistent with some experimental observations of weak fields ((gravitational and electric only).

Water meter, gas meter and all things to measure...  Peace comes with a prize.  Alien intervention is indeed needed here, else it would be a rampage... through science.

Have a nice day.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Time Paradox Not

In one example of time paradox, a scientist creates a portal that looks into the past one minute, and he shoots himself, at the image he sees, in the past.

This is not a paradox, it is likely the forces that delay the image he sees, as he takes aim, also delays the bullet that has to travel through the portal in reverse.  When the bullet emerge from the portal on the other side it is in the present and the scientist has walked away to take aim on the other side.  He misses all the time!  Forces acting this way prevent a positive feedback loop.

What is technically improbable is by no means limiting in theory.

Have nice day.