Friday, December 5, 2014

Entanglement, Temperature And Divorce

This is my take on entanglement,

entangled particles may be far apart in space but they are right next to each other in the \(t_c\) or \(t_g\) time dimensions.  Entanglement is in the time dimensions, notably between which \(\psi\) oscillates.  In previous posts, it was suggested that temperature being rotational KE about the dimensional axes, is readily transferred from one axis to another.  Entanglement may thus be better demonstrated with changes in temperature.  Temperature changes can occur without breaking the entanglement, as rotational velocity is perpendicular to time velocity along the time axis.

Married forever!


If however, temperature is not rotational energy about the dimensional axes but a separate existence along a new time dimension \(t_T\), then only particles with the \(t_T\) component among its constituent dimensions can be manipulated via temperature in an entanglement. (cf. later posts "3 Space, 3 Time Dimensions And Sesame Street", "The Third Time Dimension, \(\tau\)", and "No Need For Negative Time")

This leads to an interesting thought that all time dimensions are actually rotations about space dimension axes or vise-versa.