Saturday, December 27, 2014

Maxwell, Planck And Particles

From the post "Just Lots of Colors, Retro Disco" Jun2014, where the photon is modeled as a dipole, and the posts "de Broglie Per Unit Volume" and "de Broglie Per Person",

\(h=\cfrac { 1 }{ 8\pi \varepsilon _{ o } } q=2\pi a_{ \psi \,  }mc\)

where \(q\) is the dipole charge.

\(h=\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 \pi\varepsilon _{ o }} \cfrac { q }{ 4\pi a^2_{\psi} }\pi a^2_{\psi}= \oint_{2\pi a_{\psi}}{mc}\,d\,\lambda\)

where the closed looped integral is around \(2\pi a_{\psi}\).

\(h=\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 \pi\varepsilon _{ o }}\oint{ \cfrac { q }{ 4\pi a^2_{\psi} }}\,d\,A_l= \oint_{2\pi a_{\psi}}{mc}\,d\,\lambda\)

where the area integral is over the area, \(A_{a_{\psi}}=\pi a^2_{\psi}\) surrounded by \(2\pi a_{\psi}\).

Differentiating with respect to time,

\(\cfrac{d\,h}{d\,t}=\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 \pi\varepsilon _{ o }}\oint{ \cfrac { 1 }{ 4\pi a^2_{\psi} }}\cfrac{d\,q}{d\,t}\,d\,A_l= \oint_{2\pi a_{\psi}}{\cfrac{d\,mc}{d\,t}}\,d\,\lambda\) --- (*)

Compare this with Ampere's Circuital Law, (The fourth Maxwell's Equation with time varying component set to zero),

\(\mu_o\oint{J}\,d\,A_l=\oint_{2\pi l}{B} \,dl\)

In the first place, the factor of \(\cfrac{1}{2\pi}\) in expression (*) suggests that for a body in circular motion at speed \(c\), its momentum is not,

\(p=mc\)   but   \(p=2\pi mc\)

Consider the centripetal force, \(F\) that accounts for circular motion,

\(p=\int { F } dt=\int { \cfrac { mv^{ 2 } }{ r }  } dt\)

\(\because \cfrac{d\,p}{d\,t}=F\)


\( \theta =\omega t\)   and \( v=rw\)

\( p=\int { \cfrac { m\left( r\omega  \right) ^{ 2 } }{ r }  } \cfrac { 1 }{ \omega  } d\theta =\int { mr\omega  } d\theta \)

Over one period \(\theta=0\rightarrow\theta=2\pi\),

\( p=2\pi mv\)

And we got it all wrong.  This is important!  We have instead,

\(\cfrac{d\,h}{d\,t}=\cfrac { 1 }{ \varepsilon _{ o }}\oint{ \cfrac { 1 }{ 4\pi a^2_{\psi} }}\cfrac{d\,q}{d\,t}\,d\,A_l= \oint_{2\pi a_{\psi}}{\cfrac{d\,(2 \pi mc)}{d\,t}}\,d\,\lambda\)

Secondly, for a photon \(m=0\), but a change in its \(\psi\) is momentum (from the posts "Bouncy Balls, Sticky Balls, Transfer Of Momentum" and "de Broglie Per Unit Volume"), so

\(\cfrac{d\,(2\pi mc)}{d\,t}=F_\psi\)

is a force that acts on \(\psi\).  Depending on the nature of the photon it may be \(\psi\) along \(t_T\),\(t_g\) or \(t_c\) and one other space dimension, for which the photon is defined.  \(B\) is perpendicular to \(J\) in Maxwell's equation.  The direction of

\(\cfrac{d\,q}{d\,t}\) is also perpendicular to \(F_\psi\)

The nature of \(F_\psi\) depends on the nature of \(q\).  \(q\) is thus qualified as, \(q_{t_T}\), \(q_{tg}\) and \(q_{tc}\) depending on the dimensions between which the photon is oscillating.  In all cases, these include a space dimension, the other being a time dimension, \(t_T\),\(t_g\) or \(t_c\).  So a photon in motion exert a force around it, this force, \(F_\psi\) is a force in space (ie.  \(F=ma\)) and also along one of the time axes \(t_T\),\(t_g\) or \(t_c\).  Previously, in Maxwell's Equation, the effect of the force in the time dimension in which the charge is oscillating has been ignored.  So expression (*) in the case of a photon, ph(\(t_c\),\(t_g\)) is,

 \(\cfrac { 1 }{ 2\varepsilon _{ o }}\oint{ \cfrac { 1 }{ 2\pi a^2_{\psi} }}\cfrac{d\,q_{t_g}}{d\,t}\,d\,A_l= \oint_{2\pi a_{\psi}}{\cfrac{d\,(2 \pi mc)}{d\,t}}\,d\,\lambda= \oint_{2\pi a_{\psi}}{F_\psi}\,d\,\lambda\)

\(F_{\psi}\) then acts on \(t_g\) and a space dimension.

This equation for particles in motion through an area \(A_l\) exert a force field, effecting similar particles, around a loop \(2\pi a_{\psi}\) is just a restatement of Ampere's Law but extended to all particles.  It may be possible that all of Maxwell's equations can be similarly extended.


\(J_{\psi}=\cfrac { 1 }{ 2\pi a^2_{\psi} }\cfrac{d\,q_{t_T}}{d\,t}\)

 \(\cfrac { 1 }{ 2\varepsilon _{ o }}\oint{ J_{\psi}}\,d\,A_l= \oint_{2\pi a_{\psi}}{F_\psi}\,d\,\lambda\)

This however is using the old definition of \(\mu_o\) and \(\varepsilon_o\).

More importantly, the correct momentum in circular motion,

\(p=2\pi mc=m2\pi c\)

makes \(\mu_o\) and \(\varepsilon_o\) equivalent but orthogonal.



\(\sigma ^2=(\cfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\varepsilon_{new})^2+(\cfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\mu_{new})^2\) --- (**)

\(\sigma ^2=\varepsilon^2_{new}=\varepsilon_{new}\mu_{new}\)

When \(c\) is not in circular motion,


as such \(\sigma=\varepsilon_{new}=\cfrac{1}{c}\) is the resistance to \(c\).

When \(c\) is in circular motion, where \(\sigma\) has been resolved into two components as in (**).  Along one of this component,


\(\mu_o\) wrongfully incoperated a factor of \(\cfrac{1}{2\pi}\) when momentum was taken to be \(mv\) and not \(2\pi mv\).  So,

\(2\pi \mu_o=\cfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\mu_{new}\)

And so,


This means in the expression for \(c\),


\(\mu_o\varepsilon_o\) has to be adjusted by a factor of \(4\pi\) because the \(2\pi\) factor needed when momentum is circular was not accounted for. (\(2\varepsilon_o\rightarrow\varepsilon_o\) and \(2\pi\mu_o\rightarrow\mu_o\))

\(\mu_o\) is defined as \(4\pi \times10^{-7}\) NA-2.  This is wrong for failing to account for the fact that in circular motion, the momentum is \(2\pi mv\) and not \(mv\).

It is correct and consistent to set


at the same time, all momentum \(p\) in circular motion is replaced with \(2\pi p\), ie.

\(p_{cir}=2\pi p\)

where \(p_{cir}\) is the momentum in circular motion. Equivalently, all velocity \(v\) in circular motion is replaced with \(2\pi v\).

\(v_{cir}=2\pi v\)


\(p_{cir}=2\pi p=2\pi mv=m2\pi v=mv_{cir}\)

Correcta, Errata...

Note: This derivation for Ampere's Law applicable to all particles is not rigorous, but indicative none the less.