Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Big Particle, A Lot Of Noise

From the post "Another Take On Discrete",

\(x=e^{ -\cfrac {A( x-1) }{ n^{ 2 } }  }\)

where \(x=1\) is an immediate solution.  It is a unit circle onto which \(n\) cycles of wavelength \(\lambda\) can be packed, where \(n\in Z^{+}\), \(0\lt n\lt n_{\infty}\), and \(n_{\infty}\rightarrow\infty\).


Although not a "natural" solution for a particle of unit radius (1 m in SI units), it is a valid solution to the equation for \(\psi\).  If a particle can be sufficiently isolated (1 m radius), then it can be a high frequencies, ultra-broadband, discrete frequency resonator.

And be made to resonate at,


for \(n=1,2,3...\)

Very interesting.