Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Scarab, A Russian Named Viktor And An UFO

Look what I found on the Web,

The picture on the left is a scarab pedant from the tomb of Tutanhkamun. The middle is an anti-gravity device invented by a Russian scientist Viktor Grebennikov.  The last diagram of a UFO was obtained via a search for "Betty Andreasson UFO", the original drawings is from "" a web site by  Paul E Potter, repeated here in parts, due use.

This is how the UFO might work,

The grey fluid circulating in the torus produces a \(g_B\) field around the torus analogous to moving electrons in a conductor producing \(B\) fields.  The mass \(m\) of the glass wheel rolling on the torus, its velocity, \(v\) in circular motion and \(g_B\) produces \(F_{gB}\).  This is the analogous Lorentz's force, the direction of which is given by the right hand rule \(v\times g_{B}\).  The reaction from the torus wall provides the centripetal force needed for circular motion and the 'bulb' is kept in circular motion as long as the grey fluid is circulating.  The wheel is like a gyroscope in spin and precession. It is lifting itself up as explained in the post "Precession More" and the next post "Wheel Not Falling".

As the bulb revolves on the inside of the torus, the mass coil highlighted in blue, cuts the \(g_B\) field lines, a "grey current" is induced in the coil.  This "grey current" generates a \(g_B\) field around the coil.  The is analogous to electric current induction between two coils in a transformer.  In the diagram, the blue arrows indicate the flow of the gray fluid, that is analogous to electrons in a electric current.  Its direction is the reverse of the "grey current" or "gravity current".  Wrong should be in the same direction for an upward gravity field.

The blue coil has more turns and is shaped more massive to produce stronger \(g_B\) field at the lower end.  The \(g_B\) field from the torus is amplified and directed downwards.  The induced gravity field should be upwards.  Please refer to post "Wrong Direction Scarab UFO" dated 08 Oct 2017.

It is likely that the claw-like structure limits the size of the field created at the lower end.  On contact with the claws the \(g_B\) field is propelled downwards channeled upwards, generating lifts.

What's is the "grey fluid" and how is it related to the scarab?  Viktor Grebennikov!  May what's under the hard wings lifts you to high heaven.

Scrape the underside of the hard wings and drop the nano-structures into a fluid.  Let the fluid flow and as long as the liquid does not decompose the structures immediately, you have "a gravity current".  Such a fluid in a closed loop should be self-propelling.

Grebennikov's device is controlled by varying the capacitance just above the nano-structure.  In the UFO, gravity is amplified using induction, via \(g_B\).

How much can you get from the word grey?