Tuesday, December 23, 2014
There is a problem, from the post "Schrödinger's Equation", \(\psi\) is actually energy density, in which case, the collapsing atom paradox is unresolved. Unless the proposed radiated energy from an orbiting electron is actually \(\psi\) that remains around the particle, and does not actually radiated away. \(\psi\) is the energy field around the particle, the negative gradient of which is the force field. In the case of an electron, this force field is the \(E\) field.
The particles are still not orbiting about any nucleus, although from the post "Boundary Between Wave And Particle Interaction", they can be superimposed onto a common center, provided that they interact as particles and not affect each others' \(\psi\).
It is still unanswered why the particle make energy transitions in the first place. What happen to \(\psi\) when a particle gain energy?