Sunday, December 7, 2014

My Dream, Time Travel And Temperature Particles



A plot of y=e^((-a*x)/1^2), where n=1, and a increases from 1 to 10, is given below.  A single y=e^((-1*x)/2^2) is also plotted, where n=2.

As \(A\) increases the solution to \(x\) (the intersection of y=x and the curves), decreases.  The next value of \(n\), \(n=2\) has a solution above these set of intersections (curve in black color).

\(A\) limits the extend of \(\psi\) into space.  A larger value of \(A\) lowers the first value of \(x\) corresponding to \(n=1\).

\(A\) is a measure of the resistance to \(\psi\).

Increasing temperature decreases this resistance to \(\psi\); \(A\) decreases with increasing temperature.

So, it is possible to manipulate \(\psi\) by changing temperature, or with the use of the temperature particle (\(t_c\),\(x_1\),\(x_2\),\(t_T\)) and (\(t_g\),\(x_1\),\(x_2\),\(t_T\)) at light speed, or (\(x_1\),\(x_2\),\(t_g\),\(t_T\)) and (\(x_1\),\(x_2\),\(t_c\),\(t_T\)) that produce temperature fields even when they are stationary.

In my dream, I have a high temperature field around me that builds up slowly but collapses suddenly.  The sudden collapsing \(\psi\) field that follows generates a time force (post "Time Travel By Manipulating ψ") that propels me forward in time.

To reverse the time force, a sudden build up of a temperature field around me creates an sudden increase in \(\psi\).  This generates an negative time force that send me back in time.

In my dream...

It is not the absolute temperatue \(T\), but the rate of changing in temperature \(\cfrac{\partial\,T}{\partial\,t}\) that changes the rate of changing of \(\psi\), \(\cfrac{\partial\,\psi}{\partial\,t}\), from which we derive the time force, \(F_{co}\).  The direction of this force depends on the second rate of change of \(\psi\), \(\cfrac{\partial^2\psi}{\partial\,t^2}\).  If the profile of \(T\) follows a parabola,

Up the parabola produces a negative time force \(F_{co}\lt 0\) and down the parabola produces a positive time force \(F_{co}\gt 0\).  The magnitude of \(F_{co}\) is directly proportional to \(\cfrac{\partial\,T}{\partial\,t}\) the rate of change of \(T\). (Hopefully, \(T\propto\psi\).)

In my dream, Jack and Jill ran up the hill and never wish to return...