Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Who Has A Longer Penis?

Relatively speaking, no matter who you are,

\(OP\gt OQ\)

and as

\(v\rightarrow c\)

\(\left.\begin{array}{l}t=\cfrac{v}{c}x\\t=\cfrac{c}{v}x\end{array}\right\rbrace\rightarrow t=x\)

which is why the graph is better shown with \(v\rightarrow \cfrac{v}{c}\).

Who has a longer penis?  You, or you traveling at speed \(v\)?  It matters only if you are facing in the \(v\) direction.  In the direction perpendicular to \(v\), you are equally disadvantaged.  And it matters who is measuring, you or an observer at rest.

The traveling length \(OP\) as measured by a rest frame becomes \(OQ\).  To an observer at rest, a length \(OP\) traveling at \(v\), lengthwise, is contracted to \(OQ\).  A fast travelling space ship appears shorter, as it zooms past.

And to a travelling observer, a length at rest \(OQ\) is measured to be longer, of length \(OP\).  To the spaceship as it zoom away at high speed, everything stationary, elongates.  And a point of star becomes a line.

\(O\), \(P\) and \(Q\) are simultaneous points.

Your penis, travelling with you is still the same wienie length to you, no matter how you measured it.

Have a nice day.