Friday, November 24, 2017

Shifting Right With High Temperature





then in order for \(v_{rms}\rightarrow v_{v\,p}\) temperature has to change by,

\(T_{boom}\rightarrow \cfrac{3}{2}T_{boom}\) such that,



\(T_{v\,p}=\cfrac{3}{2}T_{boom}\); temperature is increased and the distribution shifted right until \(v_{p}\) is now \(v_{rms}\) previously, which was numerically, \(v_{boom}\).

It is wrong to use,


and so,





In this case,\( v_{p}\) replaces \(v_{rms}\) on the same velocity probability distribution, the temperature of the profile remains the same.  \(v_{boom}\) is still at \(v_{rms}\).  What is needed is to increase temperature such that \(v_{p}=v_{boom}\), on a new distribution.

Have a nice day.