Monday, November 6, 2017

Tea Anyone?

This is the sealed reactor where some of the material in the containment is vibrating at \(v_{boom}\) and is disintegrating.

There is no air in the containment for combustion, the material is disintegrating slowly.

In this case, the material is coal or carbon.  The contraption is heated to above \(T_{\small{1298}}=538.27^oC\), around \(550^oC\) and then allowed to cool to \(T_{\small{1298}}\).  The sealed reactor should fluctuate at a temperature above \(T_{\small{1298}}\), as any temperature dip to \(T_{\small{1298}}\) triggers the carbon to disintegrate and the heat generated drives the temperature up again.  At above \(T_{\small{1298}}\), the material is not at resonance, disintegration reduces and its temperature drops.

It is like a rubber ball bouncing off a concrete floor.  Theoretically, with \(E=mc^2\), the reactor should persist at above \(T_{\small{1298}}=538.27^oC\) for a long time, or until an over-drain causes temperature to drop below \(T_{\small{1298}}\).  Below \(T_{\small{1298}}\), the reactor will simply cool off.

Have a nice day.