Monday, November 6, 2017

Only The Light And Agile Applies

If we look at the formula for \(T_{v\,boom}\),


where \(Z\) is the atomic number, \(R=8.3144\,J\,K^{-1}mol^{-1}\).
We have,


where \(\rho\) is density, \(M_m\) is molar mass and \(Z\) is the atomic number.

The formula for \(T_{v\,boom}\) is derived from kinetic energy expression for non interacting particles which is true when the material concerned is a sparse vapor at high temperature. This means \(T_{v\,boom}\) should be beyond the boiling point of the element.

If such a \(T_{v\,boom}\) can be achieved, at this temperature, all the material disintegrate at once.

For Osmium \(Os\), the densest element,


which has a boiling point of \(5285\,K\).

Maybe Uranium is not necessary.  Nuclear fission has nothing to do with radioactivity.

Note:  In general,


where molar mass (and atomic mass) is measured in \(g\,mol^{-1}\).

\(T_{v\,boom}\) is a resonance phenomenon, at any value other than \(T_{v\,boom}\) disintegration does not occur.

Note:  Maybe just upon disintegration the material particles are freed from its lattice hold and are thus non-interacting particles (other than collisions) as the derivation of \(v_{rms}\) requires.  If the material is already at a vapor state at \(T_{v\,boom}\) then disintegration is instantaneous.  If not in a vapor state, then disintegration occurs only on the surface where material particles can break free; which make a sealed coal containment at \(538.3^oC\) safe.