Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Who Decides Temp

This is \(ln(n)\)  vs \(T_{boom}\) for Methane,

The negative gradient suggest \(n=Be^{-AT_{boom}}\) where \(A\) is the gradient of the line above and \(B=ln(y-intercept)\) a constant.


 \(Temp=nT_{boom}=n.\cfrac{ln(\cfrac{B}{n})}{A}\)  or \(Temp=-\cfrac{1}{A}n.ln(\cfrac{n}{B})\)

This is the way to relate \(n\) to Temp.  But the density of the matter under study cannot be zero.  For \(n\) to be valid \(T_{boom}\ne0\).  The graph does not fit.

\(n\propto \cfrac{1}{T_{boom}}\)...

Given an average \(n\), \(Temp\propto T_{boom}\), that is why the previous posts on Methane suggests a series of \(ln(ln(ln(...))\).

\(n\) is the independent variable that determines \(Temp\) given \(T_{boom}\), something else set \(n\) and it is not \(Temp\).  \(Temp\) is the result of \(n\) given \(T_{boom}\).

At the particle level, temperature jump at discrete steps as,

\(Temp=nT_{boom}\) or


and \(n\) is an integer.  But \(Temp\) given a volume of particles is a statistical average over all particles.

An we can all shower at the most comfortable temperature.  Goodnight.