Wednesday, November 15, 2017

How Cold Can Two Get?

More Methane \(CH_4\) data,

What's more exponential than \(e^{T}\)?  \(e^{T^2}\), \(e^{T^{T}}\)?

Temperature squared, \(Temp^2\) is not enough.

Data for the following graph was not printable.  \(T^T\) was too big.  Although the graph was still presented by the spreadsheet program. The graph is just a series of data points from 1 to 15 on the x axis.

Temperature to the power of temperature.   Which make \(0^0=1\) a testable reality.  But

\(ln(n)=1\) makes \(n=e=2.718\)

Is this the minimum \(n\) for Bose-Einstein condensate?  \(\lfloor n \rfloor=2\)?

For any other \(n\), \(Temp\ne0\); temperature simply cannot be zero.  This suggests that Absolute Zero is attainable only with a pair of particles.  We have not considered the gradient and y-intercept of the regression line.

If the gradient is \(A\) and the y-intercept is \(C\) then,

\(ln(n_{0})=A.0^0+C\),  \(n_{0}=e^{A+C}\)

which could be any number.  We are still in trouble if Absolute Zero is achievable only with a specific number of particles.
