Thursday, November 9, 2017

New Take On \(T_{boom}\)

If \(T_{boom}\) is temperature, then given a sealed containment of a fixed density, (volume does not change, mass decrease very slowly), \(v_{boom}\) is fixed and so is \(T_{boom}\)


Density fixed, \(v_{boom}\) fixed.


Density fixed, \(T_{boom}\) fixed.

For any sealed reactor, a particular \(T_{boom}\) given the density of the material in the reactor.

At \(T_{boom}\), the reactor releases huge amount of energy that resist any drop in temperature.  The reactor remains at \(T_{boom}\).  It is still possible to over-drain the reactor and drive it below \(T_{boom}\).  Below \(T_{boom}\) temperature decreases.

In other words, fill up the sealed reactor full!