Saturday, December 2, 2017

Vortex Cooling

I am stuck calculating \(v_{boom}\) and \(T_{boom}\),  Argon \(Ar\), \(Z=18\), density \(1.784\,gL^{-1}\), atomic mass, \(39.948\,gmol^{-1}\)

\(v_{boom}=3.4354*\cfrac{1.784}{18}=0.3404\,ms^{-1}\)  or  \(34.04\,cm^{-1}\)


Does a low \(T_{boom}\) suggests that the gas has low thermal conductivity?

In previous discussions, gas particles acquire energy (per particle) by clustering.  Many molecules or atoms coalesce into one cluster at high temperature.  In this case, Argon with a low \(T_{boom}\) will cluster by,



in numbers at \(1\,K\).

If by any means, such clusters are broken up, then the gas cools rapidly.  Squeezing them through a small opening, magnetically or electrically can cool the gas.  Shaking the gas clusters at their mechanical resonance may also cool the gas as the clusters break.

If this is so, what is the nature of the force that holds the particles into clusters?  In the post "Big Particle Exists" dated 28 Jun 2017,

\(\cfrac{\partial\psi}{\partial x}=0\)

was set at the limit where a small displacement to \(\Delta\psi\) pulls it away to infinity.  The pinch force is minimal, and so is the work done needed against such a force is small.  Consider,


the gas cools not as the result of a change in \(KE\) when the cluster breaks, but an increase in \(n\),


as more particles are in the system after the cluster breaks.

A vortex is a good candidate for breaking up clusters.

A series of vortexes with a coolant circulating outside that removes heat from collisions between the clusters and the vortex walls is even better.

Good night.