Sunday, December 24, 2017

Flying Toaster Really?

Maybe, \(a_{\psi\,ne}\) are gravity particles that are attracted to negative particles as if by virtual of their mass.  \(a_{\psi\,c}\) up to \(a_{\psi\,ne}\) are negative charge particles, and beyond \(a_{\psi\,ne}\) to \(a_{\psi\,\pi}\) are positive charge particles.  Temperature are fragments of \(\psi\) free.

In this case, temperature can be made into particles of any type, positive, neutral and negative.  And conversely, temperature cannot exist independent of particles.  Gravity do not exist, as attractive forces are all electric in nature.

The existence of temperature as fragments of \(\psi\) increases all particle size, making them eventually all positive.

This postulate is without the need for, and motivation to find, gravity particles and temperature particles.  Time is just a delusion.

Is the toaster really flying?

Note:  Only between \(a_{\psi\,ne}\) is the interaction neutral.  Between positive charge and \(a_{\psi\,ne}\) the force is still repulsive, as the

\(3 \cfrac { \partial V\,  }{ \partial \, x }\)

component in

\(\left.\cfrac { dq }{ dx }\right|_{ a_{ \psi \,ne} }=\left.3 \cfrac { \partial V\,  }{ \partial \, x } \right|_{x=a_{\psi\,\pi}}\)


\(\left.\cfrac { dq }{ dx }\right|_{ a_{ \psi \,\pi } }=\left[3 \cfrac { \partial V\,  }{ \partial \, x } +\cfrac { \partial \, T }{ \partial \, x } \right]_{x=a_{\psi\,\pi}}\)

moves in opposite directions, and the

\(+\cfrac { \partial \, T }{ \partial \, x }\)

component increases the distance between them.