Saturday, December 23, 2017

Torus In Entanglement

In the case of gases,



and for a torus with a noble gas collector channel of radius \(r\),

\(2\pi r=\lambda\)

To be around the torus at \(f=280.73\,Hz\),

\(r=\cfrac{v_{boom}}{2\pi f}=\cfrac{3.4354}{2\pi f}*\cfrac{density}{Z}\)

It is possible for \(r\rightarrow nr\), a bigger torus that will accommodate \(n\) wave around the channel.  To induce \(n\) standing wavelength in the channel, \(2*n\) equally spaced points along the circular channel will have to be shorted to ground, using conductors that draw \(T^{-}\) particles.

This way the torus naturally pulls energy via entanglement.