Saturday, December 23, 2017

Neon Entangled Torus Too Small

In the case of Neon \(Ne\),  \(Z=10\) and density \(0.0008999\,gcm^{-3}\),

\(r=\cfrac{v_{boom}}{2\pi f}=\cfrac{3.4354}{2\pi f}*\cfrac{density}{Z}\)


\(r=\cfrac{3.4354}{2\pi *280.73}*\cfrac{0.8999}{10}\)


by itself too small for easy manufacture.

For \(n=1000\),


a torus with a Neon gas channel of radius \(17.53\,cm\) that has \(2000\) contact points to draws \(T^{-}\) particles along its circular length.  These will be very fine contact points.
