Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Corrected Z



from the post "Photons With Kinetic Energy?" dated 5 Dec 2017 is correct, we have still to place such a coalesce of particles.

In the case of threshold frequencies, is it the electron cloud under the paired orbits that interacts with the radiating photons and results in an emission of a basic particle charge?  If so, \(Z\) has to be corrected with



where \(Z_{orbits}\) are the number of charges in orbit above the electron cloud with \(Z_{cloud}\) number of charges.

Below are plots of experimental and calculated frequencies vs atomic number.

It does not show that,


introduces a consistent error.  Why do values for atomic number below twenty and above sixty show greater discrepancies?

In the following plots, the calculated frequencies has been displaced downwards by \(0.5\times10^{15}\)

to show the corresponding trend/profile between the experimental and calculated plots.

Have a good day.