Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Sun Capture

The Sun's spectrum peaks at about \(5.99584916e14\,Hz\).  From the post "Photons With Kinetic Energy?" dated 5 Dec 2017,


The best material to absorb this frequency is,



where \(density\) is in \(kgm^{-3}\) and \(Z\) is the atomic number or the sum of all atomic numbers in a molecule.

At this high value, water (\(Z=10\)) cannot act as a good absorber because of its low density \(1000\,kgm^{-3}\)

Titanium \(Z=22\) and density \(4506\,kgm^{-3}\), on the other hand,


comes close to this value,  so a suspension of \(Ti\) or \(TiO_2\) (\(Z=22+2*8=38\), density \(4230\,kgm^{-3}\) (Rutile) and \(3780\,kgm^{-3}\) (Anatase)) in a suitable fluid such that its adjusted density is,


will absorb at the Sun's peak frequency.

For the case of \(Ti\),  by weight, a portion,


of the suspension is \(Ti\) and the rest by weight is fluid.  Given the high density of \(Ti\), it might still be possible for a good suspension that flow with low viscosity.

For the case of \(TiO_2\), Anatase, in a suspension of,


portion \(TiO_2\) by weight.  A light weight fluid will hold this material in suspension that flows well.

It is best that the suspension flows to prevent settlements.

But what is captured from the Sun's spectrum?