Thursday, December 21, 2017

Collecting Charge Current II

In view of low conductivity of any liquid compared to metal,

a conductive rod extends into the tube to collect charges.  Conductive grease that holds a suspension of \(TiO_2\) may be a better choice than an ionic solution.

Instead of a battery to provide the positive potential that draws charges in a definite direction from the collector, a solar panel,

pulls charges through the load, possibly a battery charge storage.

Wait a minute... the \(TiO_2\) tube can be a charge storage,

Charged under the Sun with the gap closed, a \(B\) field due to the flow of negative charges contains the charges just as protons in parallel orbits stick together.

If the gap is opened, charges can be tapped off the torus.  If the self induced \(B\) field is any good at confining the charges, the gap will need to be opened to draw charges from the torus.

Under the Sun, basic particles are continuously being generated in the torus with the gap closed.  On discharge, a switching device at the gap that is coordinated with the charge tap is used to release  charges from the torus as the \(B\) field weakens momentarily when the gap opens.

If the confining field holds up, it will actually be safe to touch the torus.

Have a nice day.