Friday, December 29, 2017

Torus Photons

The torus particle emitted as a dipole could be the photon, except the common understanding of a photon is that it imparts energy and heats materials up;  this photon however, on returning to its spherical shape absorbs energy.

Maybe, only initially does the photon collapse and absorb energy, the particle that results does the heating up afterwards.  If the collapsed particle is of size \(a_{\psi\,c}\lt a_{\psi}\gt a_{\psi\,ne}\) then the material heats up as this negative particle coalesce into big positive particles.  If the collapsed particle is \(a_{\psi}=a_{\psi\,ne}\), the material cools as energy is absorbed by the photon during its collapse from a torus.  The neutral particles does not coalesce with big particle to form bigger particles.  Without negative particles the material remains cool.

When a photon impacts a \(\psi_{max}\), it reduces \(\psi_{max}\) energy content as the photon collapses, the big particle grows into a bigger particle with lower energy content.

Photoelectric effect is kinetic, where the photons behave like particles delivers energy to the system at some input velocity and. ejects a particle at the same impact speed, \(v_{max}\).

The effects of additive color lights are on the color sensors in our eye.  Energy is absorbed by the color photons and the particle embedded  triggers a sense response for that color.  Each color light produces a color particle.

Subtractive color is when the color photons are all absorbed but a narrow range of color photons are re-emitted.  Re-emission is necessary because illumination is often not in the opposite direction to the view direction, unless a colored transparent slide with the illumination directly behind.


Note: Don't read this as if the gospels.  These are just to note the possible inconsistencies if the torus is accepted as a photon.  These notes are not proof of the photon being torus.