Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Scintillations In Time

This is another possible particle, where energy oscillates between two time dimensions (\(t_c\) and \(t_g\)) and it travels down two space dimensions at light speed.  We have seen how such motion is possible when the particle travels in a helical path.  However, since such particle oscillates on the time axes, it is not with us in time (we travel on the time axis at light speed), but fade into existence and then fade out of existence.

Its mass which is equivalent to its kinetic energy along the time axis \(t_g\) oscillates as the particle oscillates.  It has a charge but such a charge (which is the analogue of mass on the time \(t_c\) axis) oscillates as the particle oscillates.

Such particles will be difficult to detect as they scintillate in and out of existence.  A neutrino, maybe.