Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hello, Quantum Mechanics!

Continuing from the previous post "Ready Radiator And Flat Heat", we are reminded of the suspicion from the post "Two Faced And Very Flat..." that electrons are flat entities in two dimension.  It is possible that \(\int^{\infty}_{0}{\psi}dx\) being finite, that in space, \(\psi\) manifests as a flat circular disc of finite boundaries.

If a 'time' wave that exist along charge time \(t_c\) manifest in space as a negative charge, the electron, then the same type of wave travelling down the negative charge time axis will be the positive charge.  Both are 2D circular disc particles in space.

In a similar way, the 'time' wave that exist along gravitational time is the gravity particle analogous to an electron, and the same type of wave along the negative gravitational time axis is the anti-mass, anti- gravity particle.  In an analogous way, both particles are flat 2D disc in space.

If at this point, the ideal of heat being a particle that radiates without being at light speed in space is still valid, then heat is the transfer of gravity particles.  Heat is also transferred when there is a movement of charges but we don't confer it as an energy transfer but attribute the resultant heat to ohmic resistance.

This suggestive relationship between heat/energy transfer/energy oscillations and gravity might explain why two hot bodies repel each other, as proposed in the post "\(\tau_o\) The New Guy On The Block";  they are exchanging gravity particles that travel down the negative gravitation time axis, ie anti-gravity particle.

Energy ocillation between two space dimensions of such particles also explains the why a conductor heats up when a current passes through it; electron is in the first place a flow of flat disc particles that have, between two space dimensions in its manifestation, oscillating energy.  So, the space within the conductor heats up and as the electrons pass through.

But such transfer of energy occurs in both ways.  When energy is removed by the electrons as it passes the conducting material will cool.  Thermoelectric cooling employed by a Peltier device is an example of this reversed energy flow.

The 'time' wave it seems is both heat (transfer of energy) and a 2D disc particle.  Hello, Quantum Mechanics!