Friday, November 28, 2014

Deforming Photons

So, a mass-less collision with a photon is possible.  During the process the photon gain mass as its \(\psi\) changes to counter the impact.  At the extreme, the photon has the mass of a proton.\(\require{cancel}\)

\(m_{\rho\,ph} c^2=m_{\rho\,po} c^2-\cancelto{0}{\int^{x_a}_{0}{\psi}dx}\)

where \(x_z=0\) and


such that,

\(\Delta F=-\cfrac{\partial^2\psi}{\partial\,x^2}\Delta x\)

At \(x_z=0\), a change in \(\Delta x\) encounters a maximum change in force density.  \(\psi\) deformed and the photon gained mass, but at which point (\(x_z=0\)), a change in \(x\) results in the largest change in \(F\) and the photon readily returns to its original form.  There is no new equilibrium/stable point.