Monday, November 17, 2014

\(\pi\) To Netwon

From the post "Coriolis Force And My Left Foot",

\(g_B =-i\cfrac { \partial \, g }{ \partial x^{ ' } }\)

The existence of \(g_B\) suggests that the attraction, \(F_{gB}\) between the Sun and its revolving planets is not Newton's Gravitational Force, but a force analogous to the Lorentz's Force of two moving charges.

\(F_{c}=F_{gB}=\pi G\cfrac{m_sm_p}{r^2_{or}}\)

which provides the centripetal force, \(F_c\), where \(m_s\) and \(m_p\) are the mass of the Sun and the planet respectively, and \(r_{or}\) the orbital radius.

Just as we have described the capture of an electron by a positively charged nucleus in the post "", that results in the nucleus spinning in the same direction that results in a repulsive force that prevent the electron from colliding into the nucleus, given its initial momentum.  (except for a single electron in orbit, this repulsive force from the nucleus is countered by the attraction from other electrons in parallel orbits.) The Sun should also be spinning.

If the Sun is spinning in the same direction as the planet's revolution, the force due to \(F_{gB}\) is attractive when the Sun and the planet are both matter or both anti-matter.  If the force between the Sun and the planet is repulsive, then the Sun and the planet are matter/anti-matter pair.

However, if the Sun is spinning in the opposite direction to the planet revolution then the Sun and the planet are matter/anti-matter pair when the force between them is attractive. Similarly if the force between the Sun and the planet is repulsive, then they are both matter or both anti-matter.

Does the Sun spinning in the same sense as earth revolution? Yes! All planets around their sun are prograde.

Which means the Sun and the planet are either both matter or both anti-matter as the force on the planet must be attractive to provide for the centripetal force that keeps the planets in orbit.  If we define Earth to be of matter, then the Sun is also of matter.

Comets in retrograde are anti-matter.