Saturday, November 8, 2014

Self Propelling Dipole

Remember the high temperature particle from the post "No Charge But Thermal Gravity To The Rescue"

This is the likely candidate for the dipole with the negative electron end spinning behind the positive proton nucleus.

Since, this dipole is in the process of matter/anti-matter annihilation, it is possible that \(-q\) is less than the electron charge \(-e\) and \(+q\) less than a proton charge \(+e\).  \(q\) is the partial charge of this dipole.  The end result of this annihilation process is a neutron with no charge.

This particle is driven forward by the spinning end, from the post "What if?? And More What Ifs...Tadpoles", and high temperature, from the post "Hot Photons And Hot Electrons And Light Speed".