Sunday, November 23, 2014

Less Mass But No Theoretical Mass

The diagram below shows the case when \(x_z\) is small,

For \(\psi\) to exist, \(F\) is negative for values of \(x\lt x_z\), this would imply that when two positive charges are brought very close together they would attract each other and stick.

Otherwise the mass of a positive is just the mass of the particle along time \(t_c\) when \(x_z=0\),



\(m_{\rho\,e} c^2=m_\rho c^2-\int^{x_a}_{0}{\psi}dx=m_{\rho\,po} c^2-\int^{x_a}_{0}{\psi}dx=m_{\rho\,po} c^2-\int^{2x_z}_{0}{\psi}dx\)

In both cases,

\(m_{\rho\,e}\lt m_{\rho\,po} \)


\(x_{z\,po}\lt x_{z\,e}\)

that more of the \(F\) curve associated with a negative charge is negative, than the \(F\) curve associated with a positive charge.