Friday, November 28, 2014

Resistance In Time, Not Futile

What is the resistance to \(\psi\) in space?


this is two dimensional between \(E\) and \(B\) fields. The equivalent of this along one space dimension, assuming that all space dimensions are equivalent is,


This is the resistance presented by space, encountered by \(\psi\) around a photon, between one time dimension and one space dimension.  Does time exert a resistance to \(\psi\)?  Does it exert the same resistance to \(\psi\) as space?  If it does, then the resistance is the same for a charge as a for a photon, both then will have the same mass and the same extend of \(\psi\) in space.  This is not the case.

So, time and space dimensions are fundamentally different.  The time dimension may exert a resistance to \(\psi\) but this resistance is less than that of space, so much so that a photon manifest fully as energy oscillating between one time and one space dimension. A charge or gravity particle oscillating between two space dimensions has mass and less of an aura of  \(\psi\) around it.

So, \(Z_{1To}\), the resistance to \(\psi\) due to one time dimension is,

\(0\le Z_{1To}\lt \cfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\sqrt{\cfrac{\mu_o}{\varepsilon_o}}\)

And the total resistance when \(\psi\) oscillates between one time dimension and one space dimension is,


We can now formulate time force, and time energy.