Sunday, November 16, 2014

Coriolis Force And My Left Foot

From the previous post "How Time Flies",

\(e^{ i\omega t }=\cfrac { \lambda_t }{ 2\pi c } \cfrac { \partial \psi  }{ \partial \, t_{ c } }  \)

\(e^{i\omega t_c}=\cfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}e^{i(\omega t-\pi/4)}\)


\(e^{i\omega t_g}=\cfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}e^{i(\omega t+\pi/4)}\)



The immediate implication is that we can manipulate time, \(e^{ i\omega t }\) by manipulating,

 \(\cfrac { \partial \psi  }{ \partial \, t_{ c } }={\sqrt{2}}\cfrac { \partial \psi  }{ \partial \, t }\)

This is consistent with the ideal of \(i\beta\) from the post "Eye Beta Peta".

The second important point is that we can formulate,

\(e^{ i\omega t_{ c } }=\cfrac { 1 }{ \sqrt { 2 }  } \left\{ \cfrac { \lambda _{ t } }{ 2\pi c } \cfrac { \partial \psi  }{ \partial \, t_{ c } }  \right\} e^{ -i\pi /4 }\)

\(e^{i\omega t_g}=\cfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left\{\cfrac { \lambda_t }{ 2\pi c } \cfrac { \partial \psi  }{ \partial \, t_{ c } }\right\}e^{i\pi/4}=\cfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left\{\cfrac { \lambda_t }{ 2\pi c } \cfrac { \partial \psi  }{ \partial \, t_{ g } }\right\}e^{i\pi/4}\)  --- (*)

We derived \(\psi\) based on charge phenomenon along \(t\) from the relationship between \(B\) and \(E\).  \(e^{ i\omega t_{ c } }\) and \(e^{i\omega t_g}\) are symmetrical about \(e^{ i\omega t } \). \(t_g\) can be interchanged with \(t_c\).  Equation (*) suggest that there is an analogous force per unit inertia that is perpendicular to gravity, \(g\) where

\(E=\cfrac{F_c}{q}\equiv \cfrac{F_g}{m}=g\)

\(F_c\) is the electrostatic force due to the presence of charges and \(F_g\), weight due to gravity with mass, \(m\).


\(\cfrac { \partial B }{ \partial \, t } =-i\cfrac { \partial \, E }{ \partial x^{ ' } }\) suggests,

 \(\cfrac { \partial g_B }{ \partial \, t } =-i\cfrac { \partial \, g }{ \partial x^{ ' } }\)

where  \(g_B\) is a perpendicular gravitational field that exerts a perpendicular force when a body travels in a direction perpendicular to a gravitational field.  The direction of this force, \(F_{g_B}\) is given by the right hand rule as if the mass is a negative charge (an electron).  In a totally analogous manner,

\(F_{g_B}=\pi v\times g_B\) per unit mass --- (*)

(cf. post "Lorentz Without q", \(F_{gB}\equiv F_L\), \(F_L\) the Lorentz's Force )  The force, \(F_{gB}\) is perpendicular to both \(v\) and  \(g_B\).

This needs to verified experimentally.  The closest description of such a force is the Coriolis Force; in expression (*) we see the velocity*acceleration term that is associated with the Coriolis Force.

Also, this analogy suggests the existence of a gravitational particle that provides

\(g_B =-i\cfrac { \partial \, g }{ \partial x^{ ' } }\)

Higgs' particle my left foot, more like time travel disruption.