Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Electron Orbits

This is a visualization of the path of an electron in orbit around a positive nucleus,

It is a helix wrapped into a torus.  The question is however, the next electron in parallel orbit,

The top diagram shows the orbiting electrons much closer.  The bottom diagrams are equivalent to the first with the separation between orbits much exaggerated.  This diagram were generated using scilab;

    t = 0:0.01:(2.0*%pi);
    x = (3.0+0.5*cos(t*10)).*cos(t);
    y = (3.0+0.5*cos(t.*10)).*sin(t);
    z = 10*0.2*sin(t.*10);

with calls to param3d(x,y,z,45,60,"",[2,0]);

Does this orbits give raise to the double bells electronic cloud energy density?