Sunday, October 19, 2014

Stable But Not Too Stable

Continuing from the post "Tie Me Not, Not Too Tight",

\(\cfrac { \partial ^{ 2 }\, B_{ o } }{ \partial \, r_{ e }^{ 2 } } =2\cfrac { \mu _{ o }\varepsilon _{ o }\omega E_{ o } }{ a_{ e } } f(\phi )cot(\theta _{ o })\left\{ Ar^{ 2 }_{ e }-Br_{ e }+C \right\} \)


\( C=\int _{ 0 }^{ \theta _{ o } }{ \cfrac { 1 }{ cos^{ 4 }(\theta ) } h(\phi ,\theta )\,  } { d\, (cos(\theta )) }\)

\( B=\cfrac { 4sin(\phi /2) }{ a_{ e } } \int _{ 0 }^{ \theta _{ o } }{ \cfrac { 1 }{ cos^{ 5 }(\theta ) } h(\phi ,\theta )\,  } { d\, (cos(\theta )) }\)

\( A=2\left( \cfrac { sin(\phi /2) }{ a_{ e } }  \right) ^{ 2 }\int _{ 0 }^{ \theta _{ o } }{ \cfrac { 1 }{ cos^{ 5 }(\theta ) } h(\phi ,\theta )\,  } { d\, (cos(\theta )) }\)

\(A\gt0\)  and  \(C\gt0\)  for  \(0\lt\theta\lt\pi/2\) but \(B\) depends on  \(\phi/2\).

\(B^{ 2 }-4AC=16\left( \cfrac { sin(\phi /2) }{ a_{ e } }  \right) ^{ 2 }\int _{ 0 }^{ \theta _{ o } }{ \cfrac { 1 }{ cos^{ 5 }(\theta ) } h(\phi ,\theta )\,  } { d\, (cos(\theta )) }\\\left[ \int _{ 0 }^{ \theta _{ o } }{ \cfrac { 1 }{ cos^{ 5 }(\theta ) } h(\phi ,\theta )\,  } { d\, (cos(\theta )) }-\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 } cot(\theta _{ o })\int _{ 0 }^{ \theta _{ o } }{ \cfrac { 1 }{ cos^{ 4 }(\theta ) } h(\phi ,\theta )\,  } { d\, (cos(\theta )) } \right] \)

From the graph of \(Ar^{ 2 }_{ e }-Br_{ e }+C\) which determines the sign of the second derivative,

The second derivative is negative over a range of \(r_e\), beyond this range it is positive.  Under normal circumstances at,

\(\cfrac { \partial \, B_{ o } }{ \partial \, r_{ e } } =0\)

a small increase in \(r_e\) result in a negative change in \(\cfrac { \partial \, B_{ o } }{ \partial \, r_{ e } }\) as

\(\cfrac { \partial ^{ 2 }\, B_{ o } }{ \partial \, r_{ e }^{ 2 } }\lt0\).

Since we started with zero, a negative change means that the derivative itself is negative,

\(\cfrac { \partial \, B_{ o } }{ \partial \, r_{ e } }\lt0\)

and the system is stable.

However, if there is energy input that move \(r_e\) beyond this range, where the second derivative becomes positive, an increase in \(r_e\) will result in a positive \(\cfrac { \partial \, B_{ o } }{ \partial \, r_{ e } }\).  \(B_o\) increases and the repulsion between the spinning nucleus and the revolving electron increases causing \(r_e\) to increase further.  The electron breaks away and ionization occurs.

Similarly, if \(r_e\) is moved below the stable region, an decrease in \(r_e\) results in a positive \(\cfrac { \partial \, B_{ o } }{ \partial \, r_{ e } } \) that decreases \(B\) correspondingly.  A reduction in repulsion between the spinning nucleus and the revolving electron decreases \(r_e\) further and the electron collapses into the nucleus.  We have plasma.

So, \(r_e\) has a range of stable values beyond which the particle breaks away at the increasing end or collapses at the decreasing end.

Energy input is required to move \(r_e\).  This can be achieved by decreasing drag through increasing temperature, by pushing the orbiting electron inwards/outwards using photons at resonance, decreasing/increasing the \(B\) field between the nucleus and electron by applying an opposing/parallel \(B\) field, etc.