Thursday, October 2, 2014

Of Particles And Electrons...

The problem is particles having  \(r=0\)  what if this  \(r\)  is to temporarily increase,  how would this manifest itself?

Rotation about the time axis in the negative direction is reversed.  And both rotational momentum add without lost of rotational KE on collision.  Which is consistent with the fact that temperature is a positive energy term.

Anyway, the energy for one proton containment is just,


An electron is able to scoop a photon from the negative time axis, at the same time insulate it from matter in the positive time space and impart a positive time speed upon it.  The last point implies an energy process where by the proton is stopped along the negative times axis and then accelerated to positive time speed.  A process requiring,


So instead,


for the capture and confinement of a proton.

Which reminds one of the the glow of white light from some UFOs.  When an element is stripped of its electrons, protons are expelled from the nucleus.  These protons will attract electrons from surrounding air molecules.  The electrons on falling into the protons' orbits lose potential energy and emits packets of energy that we see as a white glow.

The problem with electron in orbit at light speed around a nucleus is that the strain it experiences because of its finite extend will tend to flatten it.




This is not proof that the electron is flat but is indicative that it is at least oblong.

If everything are just packets of energy why would they stay as a whole?