Sunday, October 19, 2014

Orbit In Blue

The positive nucleus in orbit around the \(B\) orbit generates a similar B field that interacts with the electron in a reciprocal way.  The electron begins to spin because any transverse motion from its orbit around the nucleus will cut this B field and result in a Lorentz's force in the transverse plane (a plane in the direction perpendicular to the blue field lines and the relative motion).  This force acts perpendicular to the transverse velocity component and causes the electron path to curve.  Given a strong B field, the electron spins in the transverse plane.

Which give definition to the confining sphere around the electron.  The electron has two degrees of freedom on the sphere, one due to its orbit around the nucleus and the other its motion on the reciprocal orbit, \(B_r\).  The confining sphere may not be a sphere at all, but a confining volume.