Friday, July 29, 2016

Young Again

The presence of a fourth field and elements being made up of this fourth particle pair might explain the relative reactivity of inert gases.  This suggests that inert gases do not have protons and electrons orbits in the outer layer of their atoms, instead a fourth type of positive and negative particles are present.

And we add another layer to the nucleus.  Is there other evidence for the presence of a fourth wave?  Electric, gravitational, temperature and...

In the time dimension the will be a corresponding electric, gravitational and temperature field each acting along one of the 3D time dimensional axis and in oscillation between space, which is now curled around each time dimension, and time, which is now linear.

It is easy to venture, a time field and a positive and a negative time particle conjugate pair.  The implication of which,


that energy conservation across space and time, is subjected to a constant time field.

The good thing is, if time field exists, it can be made negative and I shall be young again.  In reality...
time is driven to light speed and curls around each space dimension, so there must be a strong field and corresponding particle pair.

Sweet dreams...