Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Sun Says It All

A particle in space accelerates to light speed and enters into the time dimension.  In the time dimension it accelerates to light speed and re-emerge from the time dimension into the space dimension.  If this is the case, particles of lighter inertia will emerge first as they gain light speed first, particles of greater inertia follow afterwards.  The color spectrum of these particles lends this portal from the time dimension its color.

Our Sun,

will go nova when it starts to spill heavier elements of multitude of colors.  Not in an explosive manner but gradually.  If any Sun spills particles from a common pool of particles in time.  A new born sun, (a sun bomb), will have the same spectrum as the Sun.

The colors of a white dwarf, a nova or supernova, travels to us at light speed, the heavier particles in the time dimension are accelerated to light speed in the same way as in space,

But "time" in the time dimension is space.  When two portals "space out" in time, they are of different age.  When they are of different age in time, they are at a different place in space.

\(x\) is the time it takes for the heavier particles to accelerate to light speed in the time dimension.  \(\Delta age\) is the distance it took for the heavier particle to accelerate to light speed in the time dimension.  With a set of \((\Delta age,\,x)\) data, it is then possible to map the acceleration profile in the time dimension, \((x,\,t)\).  (\(\Delta t\) plays a part as the initial condition when the spectrum of the heavier elements first reaches Earth at light speed; it allows for the calculation of \(x\), given \(c\)).

If the acceleration to light speed breaks up the big particles into basic particles then, the formations into different heavier elements in space will take specific conditions in space at the supernova.  All particles that emerge from a portal are basic particles that reforms into different elements depending on local conditions.  All particle that passes through from one dimension to the other are basic particles.  The acceleration profile through the time dimension is not accessible.

This however does not rule out the possibility of local conditions, where big particle passes through to the time dimension and then returns to the space dimension.

Our Sun may just be one type of portal between space and time.

All creatures great and small...