Friday, July 1, 2016

Why \(\mu_o\)?

If we have mistaken,

\(\cfrac{1}{4\pi r^2}\cfrac{q|_{a_\psi}}{\varepsilon_o}=F_{newton}\)

then effectively

\(\cfrac{1}{4\pi r^2}\cfrac{q|_{a_\psi}}{\varepsilon_o.c}=F_{newton}\)


\(\varepsilon_o\rightarrow \varepsilon_o^{*}.c\)

in which case,



\(c=\cfrac{1}{\sqrt[3]{2ln(cosh(\theta_{\psi})).\varepsilon_o^{*}}}=\cfrac{1}{\sqrt{\mu_o\varepsilon_o^{*}}}=\cfrac{1}{\sqrt{\varepsilon_o2ln(cosh(\theta_{\psi}))}}\) --- (*)

\(\mu_o\) in the denominator is first cube rooted then squared then divided by \(2ln(cosh(\theta_{\psi}))\).  The far right hand side, is the actual measured term, and has the factor \(2ln(cosh(\theta_{\psi}))\).  The mistaken theoretical term involving \(\varepsilon_o^{*}\) does not, so \(\mu_o\) inserted into the expression is divided by \(2ln(cosh(\theta_{\psi}))\).

With the result,


when \(\varepsilon_o\rightarrow \varepsilon_o^{*}.c\), we have


Multiplied by \(\mu_o\),


if this were to be




such that we move the measured results to the mistaken theoretical expression of \(\cfrac{1}{c^2}\).

So when we apply information in (*) to the \(\mu_o\) above,



when \(\theta_{\psi}=3.135009\),


The defined value of \(\mu_o\) is \(\mu_o=1.256637e-6\)

Which is interesting.  \(\mu_o\) may have originated in the mistake in \(c\) in,

\(\cfrac{1}{4\pi r^2}\cfrac{q|_{a_\psi}}{\varepsilon_o}=F.c\ne F_{newton}\)