Saturday, July 30, 2016

The End Of Time, SpaceTime Particle

Where would one find a prevalent time field that accelerate all time particles to light speed in the time dimension?

Inside a time particle.

The universe is one big time particle.

Inside such a particle, the force on \(\psi\) is given by \(-\frac{\partial\psi}{\partial\,x}\).  The value of this force and its gradient will locate us in the universe.  We need two equations because we do not have an origin to start with.  At the origin, time return to the space dimension.

Time is in flux, we are not going any where in space.  The end of time is at the center of the universe. At the end, \(\psi\) get recycled on the surface of the same particle (or another particle) where \(v=c\) is perpendicular to the radial direction.

Since, space is orthogonal to time and vice versa, space and time are just orthogonal view of the same particle!

There is a time particle, is there a separate space particle?  A space particle is our experience of a time particle as we travel circularly around the time particle.  In the radial direction, we experience time.  In a reciprocal way, a time particle is our experience of a space particle as we go around the space particle; along its radius, we experience space.

There is just space-time.

Which brings to mind the relationship between \(B\) and \(E\) fields.  And how such fields are forcefully made once removed, that a \(g^{+}\) particle produces a \(T\) field that hold a \(T^{+}\) particle that in spin produces a \(E\) field which hold a \(p^{+}\).  A spinning \(p^{+}\) produces a \(g\) field that in turn holds a \(g^{+}\) particle, to accommodate other fields, especially the temperature particle and temperature field.

If we are to be consistent, spinning space particle does not produce a time field, when spinning time particles produces a space field.

But a spinning \(B\) field produces an \(E\) field.

A spinning space field will produce a time field.  And vice versa.  What is a space field?  The fountain of youth and Casimir effect where space is force out of a narrow gap comes to mind.

If spinning space particle produces a different field, then there is a possible new type of particle, un-thought of.  If space is just gravity then time is just proton.  Does an \(E\) field stop time?

One scenario leads us to two new possible particles in addition to the time particle, to form a tuple of three that is analogous to \((g^{+},\,T^{+},\,p^{+})\).  Another scenario collapses time field into an electric field.

Walk through a charged parallel plate capacitor and walk though time...the Afghan artifacts!