Thursday, July 21, 2016

Earth Shield Frequency

From the post "A Shield" dated 27 May 2016,


\(G=\cfrac{\pi \sqrt { 2{ mc^{ 2 } } }  }{a_e}\)


\(m_E=5.972e24 kg\)



If instead we use half the gradient at \(\theta_{\psi\,\pi}=3.135009\)


without the constant \(G\).

Approximating the tangent with a line with gradient \(tan(\beta)\),






\(f_{res}=2.0430 Hz\)

which is low....

If we instead do not half the gradient at \(\theta_{\psi\,\pi}=3.135009\),




\(f_{res}=2.8893 Hz\)

If we take the gradient, without \(G\) at the origin instead,






\(f_{res}=21.41 Hz\)

What happen when \(\psi\) is pushed along its profile?  Maybe \(a_{\psi}\) increases...chicken!  Big chicken!






\(f_{res}=23.53 Hz\)

We are comparing \(\psi\) to the energy curve of a SHM system, \(U=\cfrac{1}{2}kx^2\) the gradient of which \(U^{'}=kx\).