Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Stuck In Time

If a basic particle can be made big, really big,

What is this place inside the basic particle?  If it is the time dimension, then the thin layer of \(\psi\) would have accelerated everything that passed through it to light speed.

What to do in the time dimension?  A similar basic particle made big in the time dimension, by reciprocity will open into the space dimension.

What's the point of being in and out of the time dimension?

If basic particles coalesce into a big particle \(\psi\) can be thick enough.  Does it burn or tear?

If one basic particle particle is made big in the space dimension its dual in the time dimension is also made big.  There is already "a similar particle" the time dimension.  What is needed is another particle in the space dimension along the direction of travel (along \(v\)) to step out of.  This second particle is created at the same time as the first so that its distance in time is coincidental.  Its location in space is variable.  Not at all public transport unless all particle pairs are synchronized such that only one pair exists within a \(\Delta\) in space and time.

What is in the time dimension?  If we ever get stuck.