Thursday, July 7, 2016

Hollow Particle, Driving Miss \(\psi\)

A perturbation in \(\psi\) will normally oscillate through the center of the particle,

when it does not gain light speed along its trip to the center of the particle.

When \(\psi\) does gain light speed at \(x=a_{\psi\,ex}\), the particle is hollow in the inside.

\(\psi=0\) for \(x\lt a_{\psi\,ex}\).

At the limiting case, when \(a_{\psi\,ex}=0\),  \(a_{\psi\,\pi}=a_{\psi\,c}\).

For a particle to start entangling,  it is either hollow or made hollow, or is a basic particle.

And a hollow vessel makes noise.

If Earth is hollow, travelling at light speed towards the center bring us up to the surface, or to another planet.  The problem is when is where?  A leg on Mars, an arm on Venus...

How to direct \(\psi\) through the time dimension?