Monday, July 18, 2016

Their Whistles Make The Difference

Continuing from the previous post "And They Dance" dated 18 Jul 2016.

The point was,

\(r_p\lt r_e\)


\(\cfrac{m_e f_e^3}{m_p f_p^3}=\cfrac{r_p^4}{r_e^4}\lt\cfrac{r_p}{r_e}\lt 1\)

and if we attribute the factor \(\cfrac{ f_e^3}{f_p^3}\) solely to \(m_e\),

\(\cfrac{m_e.\cfrac{f_e^3}{f_p^3}}{m_p}\lt 1\)

as, \(f_p\gt0\) and \(f_e\gt0\)

\(\cfrac{m_e}{m_p}\lt \cfrac{f_p^3}{f_e^3}\)

This might be the reason why, \(m_e\) is made small (relatively, \(m_p\) made big) as \(f_e\gt f_p\) with the electron at light speed.   Whereas, if \(m_e=m_p\) everything collapses to 1 and all expressions are satisfied.

This does not imply \(m_e=m_p\).  \(r_e\) and \(r_p\) are the orbital radii of the electron and hydrogen nucleus respectively.

And so they dance...