Wednesday, July 13, 2016

They All Shed...

If pieces of \(\psi\) were to fly off the particle each of some elemental mass \(\delta m=n.m_b\), in \(n\) integer multiple of basic particles, \(m_b\). Then given,

\(y_g=\cfrac{|F_{drag}|}{\delta m.\omega^2}sin(\theta)\)

\(\because\) \(\delta m=n.m_b\),


where \(m_b\) is the inertia of the basic particle in the field.



Pieces of elemental mass will follow the trajectory defined by \((x_g,\,\,\,y_g)\) as they leave the front tip of the big particle.

However to plot this trajectory correctly as discussed in the post "Egg Shaped Egg" dated 12 Jul 2016,


The negative sign flips \(x\).  The argument to the term \(cos(\theta)\) still changes from zero to \(\pi/2\) as we draw the tip of the distortion first.


A parametric plot of \(x\) and \(y\) with various \(\cfrac{1}{n}\) is,

The outermost envelope corresponds to \(n=1\).

This is how a big particle shred itself of basic particles.

If a sonic shock wave is due to gravity particles shedding under high drag force and Cherenkov radiation is due to charge particles shedding under high drag force.  Then there is another, "CHL Bood" effect when temperature particles shed under high drag force.

Another No Bell Prize!  And this time for "Bood".

Note:  "Bood" is otherwise a sonic boom.  "CHL Bood" is a thermal boom.